Community Workshop – Jazz Flowers – March 25th ( SATURDAY)

Jazz Street Flower Workshop
Make your own Jazz Festival Flowers with the help of Kilcoe Studios & Ballydehob Artists.
Re-invigorate those old or damaged clothes & use them to decorate the streets of Ballydehob for the Festival with ‘Jazz Flowers’
Each participant will make a simple piece with local artists led by Sonia Caldwell (@kilcoestudios), which the participants can continue to replicate at home.
We will also prepare a video tutorial so the flowers can be created at home where ever you are in the world & the flowers posted in / dropped off to Levis.
The flowers will then be assembled by our Street Decorations Team to decorate the village for the festival.
You can bring along material / old clothes but there will also be some onsite.
Saturday March 25th, 3pm til 6pm FREE
Levis Corner House Outback
Ballydehob Jazz is a community run festival supported by The Arts Council of Ireland and Cork County Council and The Best Village

Cover photos – BTS 2022 photos @